What I Did Last Saturday

I’ve noticed myself being much more open to impulsive behavior lately as I think I ever have. I’m not sure if its because I’m finally moldi...

I’ve noticed myself being much more open to impulsive behavior lately as I think I ever have. I’m not sure if its because I’m finally molding into the reckless college student so many are expected to be or if its because I’m trying to teach myself to be more easygoing, but both are definitely happening. I will exemplify this new trend in a single storyline:

I was sitting outside of a coffeeshop in Silverlake as this guy out of a trio of scruffy, tall, smiley young men kept grabbing my attention. I couldn’t help but to keep glancing as not only am I very bad at being subtle but also am under the illusion that I am very good at being subtle. A wash of impatience came over me as I sat with my friends but I don’t think they had any idea why the flurry of emotions was now audible in my breathing patterns. I sort of automatically thought of my ex-boyfriend and by then I was basically pacing and could not be calmed nor understood even in the presence of a good chai. 

I tore a small slip of paper out of the back page of my notebook, one you would expect me to put chewed gum into, and wrote my phone number on it. 

“I’m going to give my phone number away,” I said bravely to the four girls who thought (and might still think) I was clinical. 

And they actually supported me! But then I chickened out. Once I had said the statement, it took me no time at all to get sweaty and decide that was a unnecessary, potentially embarrassing gesture of immaturity.

But then the disappointment of the bottomless declaration set into their features and one pushed me and asked me, “Why not?” And so I stopped second guessing myself and did it (from the safety of my car though, mind you, so I could escape quickly avoiding most potential awkwardness). And so “blue hat guy” as I called him texted me that night. Blue hat guy and I only texted for a few hours, to ensure that the other was not a total psychopath. He was interesting and kind and suggested we should hang out. And so we did. 

I got to see his band perform live (expect for some reason they didn’t need him that night) and we had a great time at some little record shop in Highland Park. PS I did tote Maya along with me so that in the event of danger she could spring into action. We talked about food and cities and New Years and I got to meet a bunch of his really bright, warm friends.

We left and blue hat guy texted me saying he had a great time and wanted to hang out again, but Maya and I were both under the impression that he was maybe 26 and we knew my lack of access to bars would be an issue. 

But that did not stop me from being completely and totally happy I went through with my impulsive decision. Literally just handing a slip of paper to someone gave me this great experience. It was also so refreshing to have a face to face interaction with someone new and actually create and uphold real getting-to-know-you conversation.

Impulsiveness has always been sort of an intimidating trait to me. I’ve never been very talented at risk taking because following the rules has always been too damn easy and seemingly worth the investment. And I don’t think I’ll ever give out my number and spend time with strangers ever again because that seems like a sketchy pastime. But I hope that I can continue this trend of sort of pushing myself and being brave and taking more risks. There is something super freeing to me about doing a few things not by the books. 

Perhaps if you’re quick to act, you’ll be quicker to learn.


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