Talented & Beautiful Photographer, Emili James

Emili James. Not only is this beautiful 18-year old girl an incredible photographer, but she is also a real-life angel, full of brightness ...

Emili James. Not only is this beautiful 18-year old girl an incredible photographer, but she is also a real-life angel, full of brightness and creativity. This magical, lovely girl is an artist I feel so privileged to call my friend.
I asked Emili several questions about her artistry.

When did you first develop your interest in photography?
- My dad got me into photography when I was around 11! Back then it was really just me taking bad pictures of my dog or my younger sister, but I really started to take it seriously the summer into my senior year and fell in love with it. I kind of figured out my style and started working with it.

What is your favorite type of subject to focus on?
-I like taking pictures of people. I've never really been one to take landscape photos without being assigned to. Capturing emotions, beauty and feelings is something I love to do. I really like taking photographs of people I find beautiful, and I've stopped random people on streets before to take their photo for that reason. Following this, black and white is my go to for portraits. I feel like it gives the photo more emotion! The old school 1950 black and white portraits are my absolute favorite.

Do you prefer film or digital?
-I'm in love with the work you can create with film. This year I'm taking my first ever film class whet we develop and make our own prints so that's really opened me up to film. Nothing is cooler than watching your photo appear in front of you, and that's something you can't get from digital. Of course it makes more sense to shoot digital sometimes, you know how the photo looks and it can save you hours (And money!!) But film still has my heart right now. Im obsessed with the 90s over-saturated look, and you can really achieve that with film or a disposable better than you could with digital.

What/who gives you most creative inspiration?
-God is a woman and her name is Chloe Sevigny. No one has inspired me, my creativity and my own life more than she has. I once read an article claiming she was "the coolest girl in the world" and I totally agree. Her work is amazing, I have her photo book beside my bed like the bible. Also she's a kick-ass actress! Her style is eventually what I want to become. Someone else around my own age who inspires me is Eileen Kelly aka killerandasweetthang. She isn't a photographer, more of a model, but her work aesthetics are my inspirations. Also, she's the nicest person in the world and gives the best advice on her Twitter and tumblr. Art wise, some kids I "met" while looking for colleges this past spring inspire me creativity. People like Meredith Sherlock, Ryker Allen, Maya Zohbi and Alec Snow are all so incredibly talented and passionate about their art that it makes me want to become more passionate as well!

What do you usually do when you are in a creative block?
-I'm currently in a pretty big block, photography and writing wise, and have been since December. I get in moods where I'm like "no, I can't do this right now!" and will put it off for weeks even, until I'm in the mood again. To help, I make myself look at other creative people which helps get me back in the mood. I'll read magazines and do hours of Instagram stalking until I can't wait to get out and shoot again, and it usually works!

Among your works, which one is your favorite? Why?
-I really like the pictures I took of street artists and musicians this summer when I was in San Francisco! They are definitely some of my favorites because they have meaning behind them. Each artist was so passionate about their work/music, it was inspiring. Other than that, I'm my biggest critique, so I tend to hate my photos after I've seen them too many times.

Any advice for people who want to improve on their photography skills?
-Keep keep keep shooting! Your first 1000 photos will be your worst, but don't give up. Find what you like- film, digital, medium format, whatever- and master it in your own way. Make friends with other artsy people, it really helps. My first semester of college I didn't have any artsy friends so I wasn't doing anything creative, and I wasn't happy. This semester I have a lot of creative friends and have found myself being much happier and creating more work! So no matter what don't give up. Finding your style, what makes you love photography, can be hard. For me it was at least. My senior year I was trying to discover what kind of style I was interested in and it was hard. I like out of the box, racy photos, and I used to get mocked by kids at school for trying to be a photographer. I've never been one to take someone's thoughts about myself personally, so I don't let people's options tear me down. If you know art is for you, go for it! Read about it, make connections, collaborate- do everything and anything!

To see more of Emili's work, visit www.emilijames.com , check out her vsco at www.vsco.com/emaema , and follow her on instagram @exili
You won't regret it.


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