I Remember

I once stumbled upon a book written by Georges Perec, titled “I Remember”. In this work, Perec recalls moments of his life and writes them ...

I once stumbled upon a book written by Georges Perec, titled “I Remember”. In this work, Perec recalls moments of his life and writes them down in fragments, each beginning with the words “I remember”. Some of these memories are clearly significant, while others are teeny little details that would appear to be meaningless to any reader, but clearly holds some sort of significance to Perec.

We sometimes become caught up in the moment, and while it is often advised to not dwell on the past, I think there is a beauty in bringing certain moments back. A moment once lived doesn't have to die after it has passed – and I am the type of person who tries to preserve as many memories as possible. Like Perec, I like to remember.

Here are several things I remember:

I remember watching the sun rise with Molly, wrapped tightly in blankets and scarves, feeling the warmth of my tea in my palms.

I remember salted caramel gelato at 3 AM with my mother.

I remember sobbing while sitting amongst flowers and trees, looking up at the sky and seeing two monarch butterflies circling and dancing around one another.

I remember making hundreds of paper cranes with a friend until 3 AM, three nights in a row.

I remember dreaming of maps.

I remember walking along the Seine at sunset.

I remember a boy approaching me in the rain, smiling and saying something I could not hear over the sounds of New York City. We were both swept along with the crowds, in opposite directions. I never figured out what it is he said to me.

I remember receiving cacti in the mail.

I remember sitting in a very big, special tree whenever I could as a child, in my neighborhood park.

I remember spending New Year's Eve with my friends, sharing the memories stored in our memory jar for the year that was coming to a close.

What do you remember?


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